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Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH

Registered Office and Postal address:
Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Wien

Phone: +43-1-90602-0

Company Register Number: 
413769i at the Commercial Court of Vienna

OeNB Identification number: 17440734
Legal form: GmbH
Located in: Vienna
VAT Identification Number: ATU68579068
Austrian Data Processing Register (DVR): 4011988
IBAN: AT04 3100 0001 0430 4358

Editorial office
Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH
Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Wien

Publisher and media owner
Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH
Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Wien

Company Register Number:
413769i at the Commercial Court of Vienna
Located in: Vienna

Basic guidelines for the content of the website

  • Presentation of Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH
  • Information and links to products and services of the Raiffeisen Banking Group in Austria

Legal notice:
Raiffeisen constantly checks and updates the information on its websites. Despite all due care, data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other Internet pages to which hyperlinks are provided. Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH is not responsible for the content of the Internet pages that are reached via hyperlinks.

Furthermore, Raiffeisen reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.T

he content and structure of the Raiffeisen Internet pages are protected by copyright. Reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior consent of the Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria.

© Raiffeisen Group IT GmbH, Wien. All rights reserved.